I was utterly shocked the first time I heard David unflinchingly tell a fellow Christian to “shut up”. I thought, surely, there must be another, kinder, way to get his point across. Now that I think about it, he did say “please”. But still... However, after reading this remarkable book, you too will be persuaded, as was I, that in some situations, many situations in fact, Christians, myself included, really do need to shut our mouths. What I did not understand then was that he was trying to save someone’s life; and it is entirely possible the life he is now trying to save, is yours.
Few men possess the God-given wisdom (and the courage!) to write what you are about to read. Fewer still have the maturity to present such a hard-hitting message in a manner which does not crush the reader. David has a unique ability to exhort you, edify you, and comfort you all at the same time. You will not always like what he tells you. I certainly did not! Yet, this is one teaching every genuine Christian must hear. My only regret is that this book was not written sooner; it would have spared many of us (especially me!) a great deal of trouble.
A word to the wise: read this book with your Bible in one hand and a good dictionary in the other. Look up every citation you are advised to “See” and learn the meaning of any word you encounter that is unfamiliar to you.
It is not often I tell people to buy a book but I recommend you get this one immediately! Frankly, I have never read anything like it before. “Statements Of Faith” has totally revolutionized the way I talk and as a result, the way I walk. Not only will it teach you what not to say, but you will also become extremely well-versed in countless Biblical truths that you should be, as David says, professing. I commend this soul-searching and thoroughly Scriptural study to you wholeheartedly. It has the ability to completely change how you speak and, as a direct result, what you get—and equally as important—perhaps even more so—what you don’t get.
Chaplain Vinny Abbruscato Trinity Outreach; Durham, North Carolina